
The Role of Cities in the Energy Transition

The first event organized by the CEBRI Infrastructure and Energy Program in 2019 counted with the support of the Dutch Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, and discussed the global trends that are reshaping cities and how these interconnect with the energy transition.

Starting with opening remarks by Jorge Camargo, CEBRI Trustee, the event was moderated by Clarissa Lins, Catavento Consultoria’s Founding Partner and CEBRI Senior Fellow. The panel benefitted from insights presented by Marcelo Porto, Vice-President at IBM Cloud Latin America; Luis Antonio Lindau, Director at WRI Cities Brazil; Paul Antoine Matthieu, Project Director for the Energy Transition in Nijmegen, Netherlands; and Hans van Ammers, Senior Advisor on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Arnhem, Netherlands.

This paper consolidates the content presented by each participant, as well as the debate that followed, respecting the Chatham House rules applied to the events hosted by CEBRI’s Infrastructure and Energy Program. It also includes additional insights provided by Catavento Consultoria.

The first event organized by the CEBRI Infrastructure and Energy Program in 2019 counted with the support of the Dutch Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, and discussed the global trends that are reshaping cities and how these interconnect with the energy transition.

Starting with opening remarks by Jorge Camargo, CEBRI Trustee, the event was moderated by Clarissa Lins, Catavento Consultoria’s Founding Partner and CEBRI Senior Fellow. The panel benefitted from insights presented by Marcelo Porto, Vice-President at IBM Cloud Latin America; Luis Antonio Lindau, Director at WRI Cities Brazil; Paul Antoine Matthieu, Project Director for the Energy Transition in Nijmegen, Netherlands; and Hans van Ammers, Senior Advisor on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation in Arnhem, Netherlands.

This paper consolidates the content presented by each participant, as well as the debate that followed, respecting the Chatham House rules applied to the events hosted by CEBRI’s Infrastructure and Energy Program. It also includes additional insights provided by Catavento Consultoria.

Participants in this publication

Bruna Mascotte
Senior Partner at Catavento

Clarissa Lins
Member of the International Advisory Board

Founding Partner at Catavento

Hans van Ammers
Senior Adviser on Climate Mitigation and Climate Adaptation in Arnhem, Netherlands.

Jorge Camargo
Member of the Board of Directors at Grupo Ultra

Member of the Boards of Directors of the Ultrapar, Prumo Global Logistics and Açu Petróleo Groups

Luis Antonio Lindau
Director of WRI Cities Brasil

Marcelo Porto
Vice President of IBM Cloud Latin America

Paul Antoine Matthieu
Project Director for Energy Transition in Nijmegen, Netherlands.