Online events

The European Parliament Elections: Impacts to Brazil and Mercosul

A fortnight after the 2024 European Parliament Elections, CEBRI invites Brazilian experts and the public interested in European politics to discuss the implications of the results of the electoral choices made by the 400 million Europeans who went to the polls to elect the MEPs responsible for the decision-making processes for the main posts in the European Union institutions, as well as the legislation that governs the bloc's daily life and decisions.

The purpose of the discussion is to speculate on the consequences of the decisions for relations between Brazil and the European Union and for negotiations on the Mercosur-EU agreement, as well as to understand the political articulations that should reflect the new configuration of the European Parliament and its impacts.


10 to 11 pm (BRT)




A fortnight after the 2024 European Parliament Elections, CEBRI invites Brazilian experts and the public interested in European politics to discuss the implications of the results of the electoral choices made by the 400 million Europeans who went to the polls to elect the MEPs responsible for the decision-making processes for the main posts in the European Union institutions, as well as the legislation that governs the bloc's daily life and decisions.

The purpose of the discussion is to speculate on the consequences of the decisions for relations between Brazil and the European Union and for negotiations on the Mercosur-EU agreement, as well as to understand the political articulations that should reflect the new configuration of the European Parliament and its impacts.

Opening and Moderation

Roberto Jaguaribe

Ambassador of Brazil to Germany

Ana Paula Tostes
Senior Fellow

Professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Researcher prociencia at FAPERJ and CNPq's PQ Scholar - level 2

Dorota Ostrowska-Cobas
Head of the Political, Press and Information Section at Delegation of the European Union to Brazil


Andrea Hoffmann
Senior Fellow

Professor at the Institute of International Relations (IRI) at PUC-Rio

Bruno Theodoro
Researcher at the Center for Research and Studies in International Politics of the Université libre

Kai Lehmann
Senior Fellow

Associate Professor of International Relations at University of São Paulo

Silvia Kotanidis
Political Analyst at the Citizen Policy Unit of the European Parliamentary Research Service



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