On June 26, CEBRI, in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and UN Environment, held the 2nd Workshop of the Brazil and Germany Dialogue, with the theme "Political relations between Brazil and Germany: cooperation in peace and security", with an emphasis on migrations and positioning of Brazil and Germany in defense of multilateralism.
Participated in the event, the Ambassador João Gomes Cravinho (European Union Delegation to Brazil), Maurício Santoro (UERJ), Adel Bakkour (NGO Abraço Cultural), Ender Molina (NGO Abraço Cultural), Clarita Maia (OAB), Monique Sochaczewski (CEBRI), and Diogo Winnikes (KAS).
June 26, 2018
Brasília, Casa ONU
On June 26, CEBRI, in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and UN Environment, held the 2nd Workshop of the Brazil and Germany Dialogue, with the theme "Political relations between Brazil and Germany: cooperation in peace and security", with an emphasis on migrations and positioning of Brazil and Germany in defense of multilateralism.
Participated in the event, the Ambassador João Gomes Cravinho (European Union Delegation to Brazil), Maurício Santoro (UERJ), Adel Bakkour (NGO Abraço Cultural), Ender Molina (NGO Abraço Cultural), Clarita Maia (OAB), Monique Sochaczewski (CEBRI), and Diogo Winnikes (KAS).