CEBRI Dossiers

Dossier #5

We are pleased to launch the fifth edition of CEBRI Dossier. It contains an analysis of Brazil's request for accession to the OECD, an evaluation of the Mercosur-European Union Agreement, and reflections on nationalism in Europe and on Germany's role in the face of transformations on the continent. There is also an important question about the current loss of power on the part of the USA, an overview of the Russian view on its relations with Latin America and Brazil and an interview with one of the greatest authorities on environmental issues in Brazil: Izabella Teixeira.

The texts deal with topics of wide debate today and how a they can affect Brazil, or are seen from here. We hope that they generate reflection and knowledge and we emphasize that it is of utmost importance to us to stimulate debate, meaning that comments, criticisms and suggestions about the dossier in general or some article in particular, are very welcome.

Articles from CEBRI Dossier #5:

  • "Brazil's Application for Accession to the OECD: Where We Stand" by Ambassador Carlos Márcio Cozendey
  • "Mercosur-European Union Agreement: Commitment to Expanding Trade in a Global Scenario of Uncertainties" by Ambassador José Alfredo Graça Lima e Gabriel Torres
  • "Nationalism in Europe" by Dr. Wilhelm Hofmeister
  • "The New German Question: What Happens When Europe Comes Apart?" by Robert Kagan
  • "The Self-Destruction of American Power: Washington Squandered the Unipolar Moment" by Fareed Zakaria
  • "Moscow's View on its Relations with Latin America and Brazil" lecture with Aleksandr Schetinin
  • "Izabella Teixeira: A Life Dedicated to Public Management and Environmental Issues” by Teresa de Almeida Braga Rossi and Mônica Sousa Pereira

We are pleased to launch the fifth edition of CEBRI Dossier. It contains an analysis of Brazil's request for accession to the OECD, an evaluation of the Mercosur-European Union Agreement, and reflections on nationalism in Europe and on Germany's role in the face of transformations on the continent. There is also an important question about the current loss of power on the part of the USA, an overview of the Russian view on its relations with Latin America and Brazil and an interview with one of the greatest authorities on environmental issues in Brazil: Izabella Teixeira.

The texts deal with topics of wide debate today and how a they can affect Brazil, or are seen from here. We hope that they generate reflection and knowledge and we emphasize that it is of utmost importance to us to stimulate debate, meaning that comments, criticisms and suggestions about the dossier in general or some article in particular, are very welcome.

Articles from CEBRI Dossier #5:

  • "Brazil's Application for Accession to the OECD: Where We Stand" by Ambassador Carlos Márcio Cozendey
  • "Mercosur-European Union Agreement: Commitment to Expanding Trade in a Global Scenario of Uncertainties" by Ambassador José Alfredo Graça Lima e Gabriel Torres
  • "Nationalism in Europe" by Dr. Wilhelm Hofmeister
  • "The New German Question: What Happens When Europe Comes Apart?" by Robert Kagan
  • "The Self-Destruction of American Power: Washington Squandered the Unipolar Moment" by Fareed Zakaria
  • "Moscow's View on its Relations with Latin America and Brazil" lecture with Aleksandr Schetinin
  • "Izabella Teixeira: A Life Dedicated to Public Management and Environmental Issues” by Teresa de Almeida Braga Rossi and Mônica Sousa Pereira

Participants in this publication

José Alfredo Graça Lima

Arbitrator of the WTO Multi-Party Interim Appeal Arbitration Arrangement (MPIA)

Aleksandr Schetinin
Director of the Latin America Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Carlos Cozendey
Delegate to the Paris-based International Economic Organizations

Fareed Zakaria
Journalist and Political Scientist

Gabriel de Barros Torres
International Analyst

Mônica Sousa Pereira
Institutional Relationship Assistant at CEBRI

Robert Kagan
Stephen & Barbara Friedman Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution

Teresa Rossi
Deputy Director of Partnerships and International Cooperation