
Protecting strategic sectors from cyber attacks: multi-stakeholder perspectives

The compendium titled “Protecting strategic sectors from cyberattacks: Multistakeholder perspectives”, jointly authored by the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and Microsoft, is a pioneering collaboration in the pursuit of enhancing cybersecurity within the healthcare, finance, and energy sectors. Drawing on the collective knowledge of the broader multistakeholder community of experts who shared their insights throughout a series of workshops, the compendium provides an in-depth analysis of good practices and recommendations on cybersecurity hygiene. It not only underscores the critical importance of safeguarding these key sectors against cybersecurity threats, but also offers actionable and operational take-aways for stakeholders in both the public and private sectors. This comprehensive resource is a testament to the commitment of CEBRI and Microsoft to fostering a secure digital landscape across critical industries in Brazil and beyond.

The compendium titled “Protecting strategic sectors from cyberattacks: Multistakeholder perspectives”, jointly authored by the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and Microsoft, is a pioneering collaboration in the pursuit of enhancing cybersecurity within the healthcare, finance, and energy sectors. Drawing on the collective knowledge of the broader multistakeholder community of experts who shared their insights throughout a series of workshops, the compendium provides an in-depth analysis of good practices and recommendations on cybersecurity hygiene. It not only underscores the critical importance of safeguarding these key sectors against cybersecurity threats, but also offers actionable and operational take-aways for stakeholders in both the public and private sectors. This comprehensive resource is a testament to the commitment of CEBRI and Microsoft to fostering a secure digital landscape across critical industries in Brazil and beyond.