Green hydrogen can potentially offer a decisive contribution to achieve the carbon neutrality required to implement a low carbon economy, which is one of the goals of the Paris Agreement and of other environmental efforts. The event “Green Hydrogen’s Contributions to the Energy Transition: Perspectives and Prerequisites”, organised by CEBRI in partnership with the Australian Embassy, aimed at exploring the perspectives and conditions for hydrogen to serve as a strategic energy vector, focusing specifically on using that technology to store energy cleanly, to produce derivatives, and as an energy source in the absence of more efficient electrification alternatives. This report will summarise the main inputs gleaned from the debate and the resulting recommendations.
In May 2022, CEBRI produced a Whitepaper on hydrogen opportunities for energy transition, which gives a first overview of potential uses of hydrogen and of the progress of implementation of that technology in Brazil. This report will complement and update that initial diagnosis.
Green hydrogen can potentially offer a decisive contribution to achieve the carbon neutrality required to implement a low carbon economy, which is one of the goals of the Paris Agreement and of other environmental efforts. The event “Green Hydrogen’s Contributions to the Energy Transition: Perspectives and Prerequisites”, organised by CEBRI in partnership with the Australian Embassy, aimed at exploring the perspectives and conditions for hydrogen to serve as a strategic energy vector, focusing specifically on using that technology to store energy cleanly, to produce derivatives, and as an energy source in the absence of more efficient electrification alternatives. This report will summarise the main inputs gleaned from the debate and the resulting recommendations.
In May 2022, CEBRI produced a Whitepaper on hydrogen opportunities for energy transition, which gives a first overview of potential uses of hydrogen and of the progress of implementation of that technology in Brazil. This report will complement and update that initial diagnosis.
Independent consultant, Fellow at Igarapé, International Advisor at APCO and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)
Sector Manager of Reforestation and Environmental Projects at Petrobras
Member of the Boards of Directors of the Ultrapar, Prumo Global Logistics and Açu Petróleo Groups