Online events

Trends and the Uncertainties of the Energy Transition in the Brazilian Case

December 15th, 2021

On Wednesday (12/15), at 9 am, the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), the Energy Research Office (EPE), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will launch the White Paper on the Energy Transition Program (PTE).

The first phase of the IDB-CEBRI-EPE Energy Transition Program, which took place in the first half of 2021, aimed at mapping the main trends and critical uncertainties of the energy transition through virtual debates with experts, the public, and stakeholders. Seven events were held, with the participation of representatives of key institutions of the sector. The inputs generated in this first phase were consolidated and resulted in the Whitepaper "First Cycle - Diagnosis", a publication in English and Portuguese to be released on December 15th. The launch event will present the main results of the first phase of the Program and the key messages of the Whitepaper and kick off the next stages of the Program.

"The objective is to contribute to the elaboration of public policies aimed at a better insertion and competitiveness of Brazil in the international scenario", says Jorge Camargo, Vice-President of CEBRI's Board of Trustees, who is in charge of the project, alongside the Senior Fellow of CEBRI's Energy Program, Rafaela Guedes.

The Energy Transition Program (PTE) will continue in 2022, with a series of new debates, which will result in the presentation of possible scenarios and recommendations from the institutions involved to the Brazilian government, aiming at net zero emissions by 2050.

Click here to read the full report.


December 15th, 2021


Online Event


9 to 10am (BRT - Brasilia)


Portuguese only


On Wednesday (12/15), at 9 am, the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), the Energy Research Office (EPE), and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) will launch the White Paper on the Energy Transition Program (PTE).

The first phase of the IDB-CEBRI-EPE Energy Transition Program, which took place in the first half of 2021, aimed at mapping the main trends and critical uncertainties of the energy transition through virtual debates with experts, the public, and stakeholders. Seven events were held, with the participation of representatives of key institutions of the sector. The inputs generated in this first phase were consolidated and resulted in the Whitepaper "First Cycle - Diagnosis", a publication in English and Portuguese to be released on December 15th. The launch event will present the main results of the first phase of the Program and the key messages of the Whitepaper and kick off the next stages of the Program.

"The objective is to contribute to the elaboration of public policies aimed at a better insertion and competitiveness of Brazil in the international scenario", says Jorge Camargo, Vice-President of CEBRI's Board of Trustees, who is in charge of the project, alongside the Senior Fellow of CEBRI's Energy Program, Rafaela Guedes.

The Energy Transition Program (PTE) will continue in 2022, with a series of new debates, which will result in the presentation of possible scenarios and recommendations from the institutions involved to the Brazilian government, aiming at net zero emissions by 2050.

Click here to read the full report.

Opening and Moderation

Rafaela Guedes
Senior Fellow

Independent consultant, Fellow at Igarapé, International Advisor at APCO and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)

Jorge Camargo
Member of the Board of Directors at Grupo Ultra

Member of the Boards of Directors of the Ultrapar, Prumo Global Logistics and Açu Petróleo Groups


Giovani Machado
Director for Energy Economics and Environmental Studies at Brazil's Energy Research Office (EPE)

Morgan Doyle
Representative of BID Group in Brazil

Thiago Barral
Secretary for Energy Transition and Planning



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