Policy Papers

XIV Plano Quinquenal da China: Perspectivas para a Cooperação Sino-Brasileira

In 2021, the launch of China's XIV Five-Year Plan and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party are a major milestone for the consolidation of the country's foreign policy strategies. The Five-Year Plan, a central element of Chinese planning, is, above all, a great effort to balance multiple Chinese policies, which range from debates on openness to reforms, the efficient handling of technological obstacles, digitalization, the relationship between demand and production, innovation policies, and green economy.

This publication gathers the discussions held during the webinar series of the project "Perspectives for Chinese-Brazilian cooperation", undertaken in partnership with the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Brazil. It includes reflections on issues such as economic growth, overcoming poverty, the carbon market, cultural relations, and technology, and suggests concrete possibilities for cooperation between China and Brazil.

In 2021, the launch of China's XIV Five-Year Plan and the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party are a major milestone for the consolidation of the country's foreign policy strategies. The Five-Year Plan, a central element of Chinese planning, is, above all, a great effort to balance multiple Chinese policies, which range from debates on openness to reforms, the efficient handling of technological obstacles, digitalization, the relationship between demand and production, innovation policies, and green economy.

This publication gathers the discussions held during the webinar series of the project "Perspectives for Chinese-Brazilian cooperation", undertaken in partnership with the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Brazil. It includes reflections on issues such as economic growth, overcoming poverty, the carbon market, cultural relations, and technology, and suggests concrete possibilities for cooperation between China and Brazil.

Participants in this publication

Marianna Albuquerque
Senior Fellow

Professor at The Institute of International Relations and Defense (IRID / UFRJ)

Larissa Vejarano
Intern at CEBRI and IPC-IG/UNDP

Marcos Caramuru
Member of the International Advisory Board

Ambassador of Brazil to the People's Republic of China (2016-2018)