CEBRI holds a meeting with Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, President of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil

  • 12 august 2024

On last Friday (August 9th), CEBRI held a lunch for its Board of Trustees with the presence of Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, President of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil. This meeting brought together experts and leaders from both the public and private sectors to discuss topics such as the importance of regulating the use of Artificial Intelligence, Brazil's participation in an international agreement to control deforestation and climate change, and the role of the STF institutionally, as well as the context of the country's international agenda.

José Pio Borges, Chairman of CEBRI's Board of Trustees, and Julia Dias Leite, CEO of CEBRI, led the discussion alongside Joaquim Falcão, CEBRI Trustee, Raul Jungmann, former Minister of Defense and Public Security and current CEO of the Brazilian Institute of Mining (IBRAM), and Jorge Viana, President of ApexBrasil.

This lunch was also attended by trustees, fellows, representatives of associated companies such as ABEEólica (Brazilian Association of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy) and New Technologies, BRF, Syngenta, Veirano Advogados, Pinheiro Neto Advogados, Shell Brasil, Suzano, and partners such as Father Anderson, Rector of PUC-Rio, Clarissa Lins, CEBRI Trustee and Co-Founder of Catavento, Ambassador Gelson Fonseca Jr., Co-founder of CEBRI, Izabella Teixeira, Emeritus Trustee of CEBRI and former Minister of the Environment, Ambassador Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves, Emeritus Vice-President of CEBRI and President of the Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC), Ambassador Marcos Caramuru, International Trustee of CEBRI, and Helena Tenorio Veiga de Almeida, Director of BNDES.

For more information on joining CEBRI, visit


On last Friday (August 9th), CEBRI held a lunch for its Board of Trustees with the presence of Minister Luís Roberto Barroso, President of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil. This meeting brought together experts and leaders from both the public and private sectors to discuss topics such as the importance of regulating the use of Artificial Intelligence, Brazil's participation in an international agreement to control deforestation and climate change, and the role of the STF institutionally, as well as the context of the country's international agenda.

José Pio Borges, Chairman of CEBRI's Board of Trustees, and Julia Dias Leite, CEO of CEBRI, led the discussion alongside Joaquim Falcão, CEBRI Trustee, Raul Jungmann, former Minister of Defense and Public Security and current CEO of the Brazilian Institute of Mining (IBRAM), and Jorge Viana, President of ApexBrasil.

This lunch was also attended by trustees, fellows, representatives of associated companies such as ABEEólica (Brazilian Association of Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy) and New Technologies, BRF, Syngenta, Veirano Advogados, Pinheiro Neto Advogados, Shell Brasil, Suzano, and partners such as Father Anderson, Rector of PUC-Rio, Clarissa Lins, CEBRI Trustee and Co-Founder of Catavento, Ambassador Gelson Fonseca Jr., Co-founder of CEBRI, Izabella Teixeira, Emeritus Trustee of CEBRI and former Minister of the Environment, Ambassador Luiz Augusto de Castro Neves, Emeritus Vice-President of CEBRI and President of the Brazil-China Business Council (CEBC), Ambassador Marcos Caramuru, International Trustee of CEBRI, and Helena Tenorio Veiga de Almeida, Director of BNDES.

For more information on joining CEBRI, visit