CEBRI attends T20 Brazil side-event "AI Summit: Bridging Boundaries"

  • T20
  • 15 june 2024

On June 10, São Luís-MA hosted the Think20 (T20) side event "AI Summit: Bridging Boundaries", co-organized by CEBRI, Data Privacy Brasil, CEWEB, Heinrich Böll Foundation and sponsored by Microsoft.

The initiative promoted a dialog on artificial intelligence in the context of the G20. The theme of Inclusive Digital Transformation is the focus of Task Force 05 (TF05) of T20 Brazil, co-led by Data Privacy Brasil and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF). Present at the event were the co-leader of TF05, Bruno Bioni, and CEBRI's Academic Director, Feliciano de Sá Guimarães.

As part of TF05's activities, the event promoted a dialog between experts and authorities to foster digital innovations in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The multisectoral panels addressed topics such as Artificial Intelligence and global governance, AI in reducing inequalities and asymmetries, challenges to text and data mining (TDM), cultural inclusion and information integrity, as well as the transformative impact on the web and the digital ecosystem.

Structural changes in global data governance are an pressing issue that the G20 can address by promoting productive debates from an inclusive and fair perspective. Global civil society is discussing the inclusion of Data20 among the forum's engagement groups to boost this debate, which is already a priority in the Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG), created in 2017.

To find out more about the current discussions on global data governance, check out the article by Astha Kapoor (Aapti Institute), Bruno Bioni (Data Privacy Brasil) and Stephanie Diepeveen (University of Cambridge), exclusively for the G20 Brasil website: 



On June 10, São Luís-MA hosted the Think20 (T20) side event "AI Summit: Bridging Boundaries", co-organized by CEBRI, Data Privacy Brasil, CEWEB, Heinrich Böll Foundation and sponsored by Microsoft.

The initiative promoted a dialog on artificial intelligence in the context of the G20. The theme of Inclusive Digital Transformation is the focus of Task Force 05 (TF05) of T20 Brazil, co-led by Data Privacy Brasil and the Observer Research Foundation (ORF). Present at the event were the co-leader of TF05, Bruno Bioni, and CEBRI's Academic Director, Feliciano de Sá Guimarães.

As part of TF05's activities, the event promoted a dialog between experts and authorities to foster digital innovations in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The multisectoral panels addressed topics such as Artificial Intelligence and global governance, AI in reducing inequalities and asymmetries, challenges to text and data mining (TDM), cultural inclusion and information integrity, as well as the transformative impact on the web and the digital ecosystem.

Structural changes in global data governance are an pressing issue that the G20 can address by promoting productive debates from an inclusive and fair perspective. Global civil society is discussing the inclusion of Data20 among the forum's engagement groups to boost this debate, which is already a priority in the Digital Economy Working Group (DEWG), created in 2017.

To find out more about the current discussions on global data governance, check out the article by Astha Kapoor (Aapti Institute), Bruno Bioni (Data Privacy Brasil) and Stephanie Diepeveen (University of Cambridge), exclusively for the G20 Brasil website: