CEBRI Brings Together Representatives from Government, Business, Academia, and Think Tanks in Beijing for the Brazil-China Sustainable Development Agenda

  • 27 march 2023

On Monday afternoon, March 27, about 100 representatives of local governments, think tanks, and businesses from Brazil and China gathered in Beijing to participate in the China-Brazil Dialogue on Sustainable Development. The event sought to promote Sino-Brazilian discussions on crucial issues related to sustainability and climate change. Organized by the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI), in partnership with the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC), the event addressed possible initiatives and agreements between the two countries for the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Henry Wang (Founder and President of the GCC), Marcos Caramuru de Paiva (CEBRI Executive Committee Member and former Brazilian Ambassador to Beijing), Shen Xin (Secretary General of the CPAFFC), and Tatiana Rosito (International Affairs Secretary at the Brazilian Ministry of Finance) made the opening remarks. Carlos Fávaro (Brazil's Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply) and Adriana Erthal Abdenur (Foreign Policy Advisor in the Special Office of the Presidency of the Republic) were among the speakers at the event. Jorge Viana (President of Apex Brasil) and Natália Dias (Managing Director of Capital Markets, Fund Raising & Investors Relations at BNDES) made the closing remarks.

Larissa Wachholz (Senior Fellow at CEBRI), one of the creators and moderators of the event, was also present, as well as Luciana Gama Muniz (Projects Director) and Léa Reichert (Projects Manager).

CEBRI's CEO, Julia Dias Leite, stressed the importance of companies, governments, think tanks, and universities acting together: "The event was very emphatic about science as a premise for work and concrete action. Time is short; climate change is already affecting the current generation, and action is imperative. Collaboration between governments, companies, think tanks, and universities is fundamental for us to take faster steps. CEBRI has provided this space for a broader exchange of views," highlighted Dias Leite.

The event was sponsored by Vale, Suzano, Sigma Lithium, and JBS and supported by BOCOM BBM, Cargill, SPIC Brasil, and Syngenta.


See below some of the main articles on the event:


