Online events

Japan's contribution to the environment and sustainability agenda and its impact on relations with Brazil towards COP30

Japan has, historically, suffered from natural disasters, forcing the country to adapt to nature's will. However, this susceptibility to these phenomena is only exacerbated by the current climate crisis. In light of this, Japan has pushed environmental cooperation with other countries, especially in Southeast Asia and Latin America, with emphasis on its partnership with Brazil. A concrete result of Tokyo’s effort was the founding of the Japan-Brazil Green Partnership Initiative in 2024, a project aimed at taking cooperation on the environment, climate change, and sustainable development to an even higher level. With the Brazilian COP30 presidency, this partnership becomes highly strategic to promote a sustainable and fair international order.

In this context, this dialogue marks the ending of the project ‘Celebrating 130 Years of Diplomatic Relations and the Friendship Exchange Year between Brazil and Japan’. The last event will debate Japan’s role in the international climate and environmental agenda, and how it can complement Brazil’s sustainability goals. The debate will focus on opportunities for cooperation in key areas, such as reforestation and sustainable development to promote a deeper understanding of Japan’s role and perspectives within Brazil, boosting bilateral cooperation

Partnership: Consulate-General of Japan in Rio de Janeiro

Supported by: Japan House São Paulo


Dr. Naoko Ishii Presentation

"Japan's Contribution to the Environment and Sustainability Agenda and its Impact on Relations with Brazil Towards COP30"

Check HERE.


9:00 am (BRT)




Japan has, historically, suffered from natural disasters, forcing the country to adapt to nature's will. However, this susceptibility to these phenomena is only exacerbated by the current climate crisis. In light of this, Japan has pushed environmental cooperation with other countries, especially in Southeast Asia and Latin America, with emphasis on its partnership with Brazil. A concrete result of Tokyo’s effort was the founding of the Japan-Brazil Green Partnership Initiative in 2024, a project aimed at taking cooperation on the environment, climate change, and sustainable development to an even higher level. With the Brazilian COP30 presidency, this partnership becomes highly strategic to promote a sustainable and fair international order.

In this context, this dialogue marks the ending of the project ‘Celebrating 130 Years of Diplomatic Relations and the Friendship Exchange Year between Brazil and Japan’. The last event will debate Japan’s role in the international climate and environmental agenda, and how it can complement Brazil’s sustainability goals. The debate will focus on opportunities for cooperation in key areas, such as reforestation and sustainable development to promote a deeper understanding of Japan’s role and perspectives within Brazil, boosting bilateral cooperation

Partnership: Consulate-General of Japan in Rio de Janeiro

Supported by: Japan House São Paulo


Dr. Naoko Ishii Presentation

"Japan's Contribution to the Environment and Sustainability Agenda and its Impact on Relations with Brazil Towards COP30"

Check HERE.

Opening and Moderation

Marianna Albuquerque
Senior Fellow

Professor at The Institute of International Relations and Defense (IRID / UFRJ)


Carlos Roza
President of Japan House São Paulo (JHSP)

Naoko Ishii
Professor and Director of the Center for Global Commons (CGC) at the University of Tokyo

Rafaela Guedes
Senior Fellow

Independent consultant, Fellow at Igarapé, International Advisor at APCO and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)



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