Online events

Brazilian Public Opinion on Israel - Palestine Conflict

Which is the Brazilian public opinion on the Israel-Palestine conflict? This in the underlying question that the querie realized by CEBRAP and divulgated by CEBRI aims to clarify. The report elaborated from it incorporates the Brazilian public opinion on a series of subjects that are part of the dispute between Israel and Palestine, departing from the contemporaneous conflict between both, but also considering background issues. CEBRI and CEBRAP unite in this endeavour, with the goal of advancing in the public debate on contemporanous issues of International Relations, departing from the perspective present in Brazilian society of a issue so central to international order.


5:00 pm (BRT)




Which is the Brazilian public opinion on the Israel-Palestine conflict? This in the underlying question that the querie realized by CEBRAP and divulgated by CEBRI aims to clarify. The report elaborated from it incorporates the Brazilian public opinion on a series of subjects that are part of the dispute between Israel and Palestine, departing from the contemporaneous conflict between both, but also considering background issues. CEBRI and CEBRAP unite in this endeavour, with the goal of advancing in the public debate on contemporanous issues of International Relations, departing from the perspective present in Brazilian society of a issue so central to international order.

Opening and Moderation

Feliciano de Sá Guimarães
Academic Director

Professor at the Institute of International Relations/USP


Ivan Fernandes
Researcher at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (Cebrap)

Professor at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC)

Monique Sochaczewski
Senior Researcher

Natalia Nahas Calfat
President of the Institute for Arab Culture


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