Closed-door meetings

Securing Transition Minerals for the Energy Shift While Upholding a Sustainable and Equitable Minerals Supply Chain

November 4th, 2024

This event aims to address routes for Brazil’s and other G20 (mineral producing-) countries’ contribution to global value chains of minerals for the transition, especially in the context of the G20 Presidency, BRICS+ and COP30. Discussions will cover the environmental and geopolitical context, human rights challenges, global market dynamics and other issues that must be addressed in these multilateral forums.

Supported by: Vale and iCS


November 4th, 2024


10:30 am (BRT)




This event aims to address routes for Brazil’s and other G20 (mineral producing-) countries’ contribution to global value chains of minerals for the transition, especially in the context of the G20 Presidency, BRICS+ and COP30. Discussions will cover the environmental and geopolitical context, human rights challenges, global market dynamics and other issues that must be addressed in these multilateral forums.

Supported by: Vale and iCS

Opening and Moderation

Larissa Wachholz
Senior Fellow

Partner at Vallya


Aldo Pennini
Director of Strategy, Program and Content, Future Minerals Forum (FMF)

André Corrêa do Lago

Secretary for Climate, Energy and Environment of the Ministry of External Affairs

Ben Chalmers
Senior Vice President of the Mining Association of Canada

Ekpen Omonbude
Senior Policy Advisor with IISD's Economic Law and Policy Program, IISD

International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)

Embaixador Emmanuel Kamarianakis
Ambassador of Canada to the Federative Republic of Brazil

Izabella Teixeira
Member of the International Advisory Board

Co-Chair of the UN International Resource Panel and Minister of Environment (2010-2016)

Marcio Alexandre Nunes Henriques
Deputy Head of the Basic and Extractive Industries Department, BNDES

Rafaela Guedes
Senior Fellow

Independent consultant, Fellow at Igarapé, International Advisor at APCO and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)

Raul Jungmann
President of IBRAM

Minister of Agrarian Development (1999-2002), Minister of Defense (2016-2018) e Extraordinary Minister of Public Security (2018-2019)

Rodrigo Cota
Director of the Department of Mineral Transformation and Technology, MME

National Secretariat for Geology, Mining and Mineral Transformation of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME)



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