In-person events

Rethinking G20: main takeaways from T20 Brasil

The event will disseminate and discuss the main policy proposals to the G20 emerging from the Think20 Brasil process, focusing on three topics that are key drivers of economic growth and sustainable development in the 21st century: 1) energy transitions, 2) climate finance and 3) digital transformation. The debate will detail recommendations in these areas, focusing on how they can be strategic to establish continuities between the current Brazilian presidency and the future G20 presidencies of South Africa in 2025 and the US in 2026, beginning to build a dialogue between the next G20 Troika. Discussions will also center on how linkages between the sustainable development and digital transformation agenda can set the agenda for the upcoming COP29 and COP30, with the latter being held in Brazil in 2025.

Opening Remarks

  • Jeffrey Sachs, President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
  • José Pio Borges, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI)
  • Eric Pelofsky, Deputy Chief of Staff at The Rockefeller Foundation

Panel 1 | Climate finance 

  • Céline Kauffmann, Chief Programmes Officer at Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)
  • Izabella Teixeira, Senior Fellow at CEBRI and Co-Chair of the UN International Resource Panel and Minister of Environment (2010-2016)

Panel 2 | Energy transitions

  • Rafaela Guedes, Senior Fellow at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)

Panel 3 | Digital Transformation

  • Nayana Rizzo Sampaio, Head of Public Policy at Amazon Web Services
  • Kay McGowan, Senior Director for Policy at the Digital Impact Alliance
  • Dr. Anit Mukherjee, Senior Fellow at Observer Research Foundation America (ORF America)

Closing Remarks

  • Ambassador Thomas Shannon, Former United States Ambassador in Brazil


Rockfeller Foundation Convening Center | 420 Fifth Avenue, New York, United States


9 to 11 am EST | 10 am to 12 pm BRT




The event will disseminate and discuss the main policy proposals to the G20 emerging from the Think20 Brasil process, focusing on three topics that are key drivers of economic growth and sustainable development in the 21st century: 1) energy transitions, 2) climate finance and 3) digital transformation. The debate will detail recommendations in these areas, focusing on how they can be strategic to establish continuities between the current Brazilian presidency and the future G20 presidencies of South Africa in 2025 and the US in 2026, beginning to build a dialogue between the next G20 Troika. Discussions will also center on how linkages between the sustainable development and digital transformation agenda can set the agenda for the upcoming COP29 and COP30, with the latter being held in Brazil in 2025.

Opening Remarks

  • Jeffrey Sachs, President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
  • José Pio Borges, Chairman of the Board of Trustees at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI)
  • Eric Pelofsky, Deputy Chief of Staff at The Rockefeller Foundation

Panel 1 | Climate finance 

  • Céline Kauffmann, Chief Programmes Officer at Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)
  • Izabella Teixeira, Senior Fellow at CEBRI and Co-Chair of the UN International Resource Panel and Minister of Environment (2010-2016)

Panel 2 | Energy transitions

  • Rafaela Guedes, Senior Fellow at the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and member of a panel of experts on Energy Transition at the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS)

Panel 3 | Digital Transformation

  • Nayana Rizzo Sampaio, Head of Public Policy at Amazon Web Services
  • Kay McGowan, Senior Director for Policy at the Digital Impact Alliance
  • Dr. Anit Mukherjee, Senior Fellow at Observer Research Foundation America (ORF America)

Closing Remarks

  • Ambassador Thomas Shannon, Former United States Ambassador in Brazil



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