On October 19, the CEBRI China Analysis Group held its 2nd meeting with the theme "A Strategy for China?". The event took place at Banco BBM's office, in Rio de Janeiro, and aimed to monitor issues related to the effect of the Chinese economy and China's politics on Brazil.
The event took place in Rio with connection, by videoconference, to Brasília, Beijing, Washington and Buenos Aires. It also included the participation of experts such as CEBRI Senior Fellow Hussein Kalout and Trustee Roberto Jaguaribe.
October 19, 2017
Rio de Janeiro, Banco BOCOM BBM
On October 19, the CEBRI China Analysis Group held its 2nd meeting with the theme "A Strategy for China?". The event took place at Banco BBM's office, in Rio de Janeiro, and aimed to monitor issues related to the effect of the Chinese economy and China's politics on Brazil.
The event took place in Rio with connection, by videoconference, to Brasília, Beijing, Washington and Buenos Aires. It also included the participation of experts such as CEBRI Senior Fellow Hussein Kalout and Trustee Roberto Jaguaribe.
Ambassador of Brazil to Germany
Political Scientist at University of Brasilia and Editor-in-Chief of CEBRI-Journal