Biography Rogério Studart
Rogério Studart is Senior Fellow at the Brazilian Center of International Relations (CEBRI) and has participated in different debates on macroeconomics, sustainable development, Brazil-China relations and international finance. In addition to being a consultant for the United Nations, multilateral institutions, and governments, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Centro Brasil no Clima and a Distinguished Fellow of the Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils. He works and advocates on initiatives to advance policy-driven, evidence-based analysis of the costs, benefits, and opportunities of environmentally sound, low-carbon growth and development. He was Executive Director of the World Bank Group (including IFC, IDA and MIGA) and the Inter-American Development Bank (including IIC and FOMIN) and a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and the World Resources Institute. He has held positions as a Macroeconomist and Specialist in development finance at the United Nations (ECLAC and UNCTAD), at IBGE, and at Banco Lar Brasileiro. As an academic, he was the author and co-author of several books, published articles in specialized journals, and was a professor at the Faculty of Economics and the Institute of Industrial Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). He holds a PhD in Economics from University College London, England.