Online course

History of Brazilian Diplomacy - From the Empire to the 21st Century

  • Institutional
  • External Relations

04 may 2021

Few countries in the world owe such a great deal to diplomacy as Brazil does: the increase in territory by two thirds, 150 years of peace with ten neighboring countries, prestige stemming from its use of soft power, membership in the G-20 and BRICS, one of the largest economies in the world as well as one of the largest environmental and food powerhouses.

Our view of ourselves, what we are or what we would like to be, has resulted in a large part of this diplomatic tradition and its virtues, such as the strengths of moderation, balance and consensus building.

CEBRI's first online course provides an overview of the history of diplomacy in Brazil, from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day. The course will be a legacy regarding the relevance of Brazilian foreign policy, bringing together the living memory of different periods, with lessons and conversations with our country’s Ministers and Presidents.

The course is currently available only in Portuguese.

Click here to access a complete overview of the course.


2 months


7 to 8:30 pm (BRT)



Membership options:



Portuguese only


Few countries in the world owe such a great deal to diplomacy as Brazil does: the increase in territory by two thirds, 150 years of peace with ten neighboring countries, prestige stemming from its use of soft power, membership in the G-20 and BRICS, one of the largest economies in the world as well as one of the largest environmental and food powerhouses.

Our view of ourselves, what we are or what we would like to be, has resulted in a large part of this diplomatic tradition and its virtues, such as the strengths of moderation, balance and consensus building.

CEBRI's first online course provides an overview of the history of diplomacy in Brazil, from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day. The course will be a legacy regarding the relevance of Brazilian foreign policy, bringing together the living memory of different periods, with lessons and conversations with our country’s Ministers and Presidents.

The course is currently available only in Portuguese.

Click here to access a complete overview of the course.


Carla Duarte
Director of Institutional Relations and Communications at CEBRI

Julia Dias Leite


Aloysio Nunes
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs

Amena Yassine
Conselour and Head of the Political Sector at the Brazilian Embassy in Bulgaria

André Corrêa do Lago

Secretary for Climate, Energy and Environment of the Ministry of External Affairs

Antonio Patriota
International Advisory Board

Brazil's Ambassador to Egypt and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil (2011-2013)

Benoni Belli
Senior Fellow

Permanent Representative of Brasil to the OAS

Celso Amorim
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Former Minister of Defense

Celso Lafer

Foreign Minister (1992/2001-2003) and Minister of Development, Industry and Trade (1999)

Demétrio Magnoli

International Commentator at Globo News

Dilma Rousseff
Former President (2011-2016)

Fernando Collor de Mello
Former President (1990-1992)

Fernando de Mello Barreto
Former Ambassador of Brazil to Australia

Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Honorary Chairman

President of the Republic (1995-2002)

Gelson Fonseca Junior

Director of the Center for History and Diplomatic Documentation (CHDD) of the Alexandre de Gusmão Foundation (FUNAG)

Hussein Kalout
International Advisory board

Special Secretary for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic (2016-2018), Ph.D. in International Relations from Lancaster University (United Kingdom) and International Advisory Board Member at CEBRI

Izabella Teixeira
Member of the International Advisory Board

Co-Chair of the UN International Resource Panel and Minister of Environment (2010-2016)

Marcos Azambuja
Trustee Emeritus

Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1990-1992)

Maria Regina Soares de Lima
Professor of the Institute of Social and Political Studies at UERJ

Matias Spektor
Senior Fellow

Associate Professor and Founder of the Getulio Vargas Foundation School of International Relations (FGV)

Michel Temer
Former President of the Republic (2016-2018)

Rubens Ricupero
Trustee Emeritus

Minister of Environment (1993-1994) and Minister of Finance (1994)

Tatiana Rosito
Senior Fellow

Secretary for International Affairs at the Ministry of Finance

Thereza Quintella
Former Ambassador of Brazil to Austria and Russia


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