CEBRI holds lunch with Minister Silvio Almeida

  • 25 may 2023

Yesterday (25), CEBRI held a lunch with Brazil's Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, Silvio Almeida, with the objective of promoting dialogue on the subject between authorities and specialists.

Ambassador Marcos Azambuja, CEBRI's Trustee Emeritus, hosted the event. The meeting was attended by Ambassadors Gelson Fonseca Junior, one of CEBRI's founders and Marcos Caramuru de Paiva, member of CEBRI's International Advisory Board, Minister Pedro Malan, CEBRI's Trustee, Joaquim Falcão, CEBRI Trustee and leader of its Democracy Program, Daniela Lerda, CEBRI's Senior Fellow and Brazil's representative at Nia Tero, and Luciana Gama Muniz, CEBRI's Director of Projects.



Yesterday (25), CEBRI held a lunch with Brazil's Minister of Human Rights and Citizenship, Silvio Almeida, with the objective of promoting dialogue on the subject between authorities and specialists.

Ambassador Marcos Azambuja, CEBRI's Trustee Emeritus, hosted the event. The meeting was attended by Ambassadors Gelson Fonseca Junior, one of CEBRI's founders and Marcos Caramuru de Paiva, member of CEBRI's International Advisory Board, Minister Pedro Malan, CEBRI's Trustee, Joaquim Falcão, CEBRI Trustee and leader of its Democracy Program, Daniela Lerda, CEBRI's Senior Fellow and Brazil's representative at Nia Tero, and Luciana Gama Muniz, CEBRI's Director of Projects.