In today's Articles and Interviews selection, Ilona Szabó outlines COP26's good news in her bi-monthly Folha de S. Paulo column. Ana Toni is interviewed by the Estado de São Paulo newspaper about the Brazilian block at the event. In Valor Econômico, Marcos Jank writes about Brazil's role in climate issues and is interviewed about the Brazilian agribusiness market in the global context, highlighting the importance of training the diplomatic corps for the sector. Demétrio Magnoli writes an opinion piece in O Globo about the historic resolution presented at the closing of the 6th Plenum of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Roberto Teixeira writes an article on governance in the November issue of Revista RI. Fernanda Magnotta talks about US-China tensions and the frequent comparisons being made to US-USSR relations during the Cold War, in her weekly UOL column.