Closed-door meetings

Lunch | Presidential Candidates Debate Cycle | Mariana Silva

  • Brazil
  • Closed-Door Meetings

April 26, 2018

Almoço com Presidenciáveis - Marina Silva

CEBRI started on Thursday (04/26), the lunch series with presidential candidates that will take place over the next few months and the first event had the participation of candidate Marina Silva. The purpose of the meetings is to promote a presentation of ideas and a deepening of the electoral debate.

The former minister is in the process of building her government program by participating in regional seminars and with an online platform for consultations. At the time, Marina Silva emphasized the need to make Brazil economically prosperous, transforming comparative advantages into competitive advantages, and socially fair.

For this, Marina illustrated the scenario of social, economic and values crisis that the country is currently going through, underscoring that for an environmentally sustainable Brazil it is necessary to guarantee democracy.

In addition, the candidate mentioned the need for political reform and defended independent candidacies, the end of re-election and the monopoly of parties. In this sense, she also pointed out the urgency of pension reform to fight privileges.


April 26, 2018


Rio de Janeiro, Rubaiyat




Almoço com Presidenciáveis - Marina Silva

CEBRI started on Thursday (04/26), the lunch series with presidential candidates that will take place over the next few months and the first event had the participation of candidate Marina Silva. The purpose of the meetings is to promote a presentation of ideas and a deepening of the electoral debate.

The former minister is in the process of building her government program by participating in regional seminars and with an online platform for consultations. At the time, Marina Silva emphasized the need to make Brazil economically prosperous, transforming comparative advantages into competitive advantages, and socially fair.

For this, Marina illustrated the scenario of social, economic and values crisis that the country is currently going through, underscoring that for an environmentally sustainable Brazil it is necessary to guarantee democracy.

In addition, the candidate mentioned the need for political reform and defended independent candidacies, the end of re-election and the monopoly of parties. In this sense, she also pointed out the urgency of pension reform to fight privileges.


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