Studies and Research

Main Aspects of a Job Guarantee Program

  • 07 november 2022

The purpose of this text is to discuss the job guarantee program as a State policy, seeking to carry out not only a conceptual treatment but also a brief evaluation of some international experiences of this inititive. The program seeks to guarantee the full employment of labor and, in this way, can be understood as a great automatic stabilizer of economic cycles. Regarding the international experiences of the program, the text briefly explores the American cases (with the New-Deal), Indian and Argentinean cases, and then approaches ways for its implementation in the Brazilian labor market, taking into account the context of high rate of population unemployment.

The purpose of this text is to discuss the job guarantee program as a State policy, seeking to carry out not only a conceptual treatment but also a brief evaluation of some international experiences of this inititive. The program seeks to guarantee the full employment of labor and, in this way, can be understood as a great automatic stabilizer of economic cycles. Regarding the international experiences of the program, the text briefly explores the American cases (with the New-Deal), Indian and Argentinean cases, and then approaches ways for its implementation in the Brazilian labor market, taking into account the context of high rate of population unemployment.

Participants in this publication

Enzo Gerioni
PhD in Economic Science from the State University of Campinas - Unicamp

Enzo Matono Gerioni holds a degree in Economic Sciences from the Federal University of Paraná - UFPR, a Master's in Economics from the Federal University of Uberlândia - UFU